Melanie McCloskey

Melanie McCloskey
CPC; Certified Cancer Journey Coach

I’m driven to align trailblazers with their natural power and grace to go bigger. It thrills me to support people to succeed from where they are, with the amazingness of who they are, having a big ole ripple effect on the world. A Certified Professional Coach for 6 years, I’ve expanded my passion for working with individuals and groups as a life and solo-entrepreneur coach to also coaching those touched by the challenge of cancer.

Illness, death, and struggle have been lifelong transformational teachers for me. On top of my own chronic health challenges, a number of dear friends and close family have been impacted by cancer in a very short period of time in my life. Even with great tools as a Hospice volunteer and seasoned coach, I’ve been challenged in a whole new way in the face of this bigness. With what seems like overwhelming challenges, utilizing the gift of skilled support, I’ve experienced powerful personal transformation and witnessed the same in my clients. I’ve learned firsthand what it means to truly decide to be there for oneself.

Never too far from nature, telemark skiing, and amazing community, I live between two snow-capped peaks in the abundant Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. I work with clients one-on-one as well as partner with several organizations to offer regional and national group coaching support. Whether driven by passion or necessity, it’s an honor to support trailblazers to thrive and face the big stuff with grace. Life is too precious to not live like you mean it.

An interview with Melanie:

What inspires you to get up in the morning? So much! Coffee, my morning focus rituals and self-care, coffee, thinking of the lovely people I get to help today and the magic they will create for themselves . . . and did I mention coffee?

What are you scared of? Jumping out of perfectly good planes. Ok, seriously . . . people not knowing how amazing they are. It takes vulnerability to both get support during a challenge and to accept just how amazing we are in order to go big and shine brightly in life.

People often underestimate the power of . . . Self Love. When you are present enough to fulfill your own needs for love and nourishment, putting “your own oxygen mask on first,” you are present to give your best. Then your loved ones and work get the love and nourishment that you want for them, creating a ripple effect of goodness for the world.

I am in my power when . . . I walk the circle of joyful service to others, delightful adventurous living, and radical self-care. A continuous circle of nourishment and service keeps me grounded, connected, and inspired.

If you could have one super power, what would you choose? I believe I already practice one, the alchemy of helping others realize their superpowers through coaching! Being human, it seems like we have an endless opportunity to develop our hidden strengths and talents and when we do, they totally feel like the superpowers we dream of.

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