Author: cancerjourney
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Back in the pit: Dealing with disappointment
by Shariann Tom, Master Cancer Coach; Founder & President
We will feature one of Keith’s photos each month to share the beauty that surrounds us wherever you are.
But then she backed out. I was crushed! I felt let-down, hurt, alone and abandoned. I felt a deep sense of disappointment and sadness about having to let go of my vision of deep connection and bold adventure. I was emotionally invested. Continue reading “Back in the pit: Dealing with disappointment”
Hospice / End-of-Life Checklist
by Laura Sweet, Certified Cancer Journey Coach
The following is based on my experience as a hospice volunteer, and caregiver to my mom at her end of life.
A dear friend from my hometown — one of my mom’s closest friends — reached out recently to ask for advice about supporting a friend who just entered hospice care. Here is what I wrote to her: Continue reading “Hospice / End-of-Life Checklist”
Self-Worth – A World Crisis and How Coaching Can Help
by Shariann Tom
Our world is in a crisis of self-worth. We think we have to prove ourselves. You see it all over the media – both mass and social – trying so hard to earn our worth, we put each other down right and left. Continue reading “Self-Worth – A World Crisis and How Coaching Can Help”
Panic to Powerful Workshops – 2017
This interactive and experiential workshop for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers will explore ways to handle panic, find your way through and after the Cancer Journey, and unveil your pathway to personal power.
In this workshop, you will learn tools to:
- Manage your Panic;
- Provide a roadmap for your journey;
- Begin to move, confidently, forward.
The Cancer Journey is the first Cancer Coach Training Company in the United States. With its signature program, Panic to Powerful™, The Cancer Journey provides both personal cancer coach services and cancer coach training to the growing population of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. Utilizing our proven Cancer Journey Roadmap and S.L.A.M.S Technique Model supports our philosophy that Cancer is a transformative process that can ignite positive personal growth.
Join us for one of our upcoming complimentary Panic to Powerful Workshops!
To register, please email or call us at 415-307-8310.
June 10, 2017 – 1:30-3pm, at Luma Yoga, Santa Cruz, CA
June 22, 2017 – 5:30-7pm, at Mt. Sinai Cancer Center, NYC, NY
June 28, 2017 – 7:00-8:30pm, Healing Consciousness, Philadelphia, PA
July 12th 2017 – 5:30–7pm at Tiny Tots Parenting Resource Center, Campbell, CA
If you are interested in having a Panic to Powerful workshop brought to your city, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us at or call us at 415-307-8310.
The Fifty Shades of Gray of Cancer Treatment
by Keri Lehmann
When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, he was clear. In order to avoid surgery, he was “going to go the natural alternative route.” For us, the natural route involved him temporarily moving from Northern to Southern California, 382 miles away, while I stayed home to work and raise our then 2-year old son. I’ll never forget the day, one day after his diagnosis, he packed everything he could fit into his Honda hatchback and drove away. My knees buckled. How would I do it without him? Continue reading “The Fifty Shades of Gray of Cancer Treatment”
~ T. Loeswick
The Cancer Journey Coaching experience has created the space for me to find the bedrock in my life. My coach took me through the immense emotional and physical pain that I experienced during my surgery, chemotherapy and recovery. It was one thing to come out alive. It was so much more to feel the process opening me to a more vital and meaningful life. This was not easy. It took great skill from my coach and deep commitment from me. Many times I lost hope. My coach helped me find it again and again. Finally the hope turned the corner into Trust. Trust in her. Trust in the process. Most importantly, trust in myself. I don’t see how my transformation could have happened without my coach.
Donna Bell
Donna Bell
Certified Cancer Journey Coach; CPCC; Breast Cancer Thriver
If you met me, you would find a big smile and a spark of energy. I live life to the fullest and treasure everything I have, especially my health. This has moved to the top of my priority list in terms of what is most important to me — breast cancer changed this.
The experience also taught me a great deal and I treasure these teachings as they have helped lead me to the path I am on now. A path filled with possibilities and unpredictability. Nothing new, but I feel I have more tools to help myself and others who might be experiencing life’s challenges and hidden opportunities.
I am now retired from a 25-year career with the YMCA. A career that has provided me with intense growth, both personally and professionally; humility; challenge; and enriching memories that I will never forget. I was a fitness director; general manager; human resources trainer; and people empowerment coach and just about anything it took to run a non-profit organization.
I now volunteer in my beautiful community and am a co-coach for our Sunshine Dragons Abreast Dragon Boat team.
My Motto: “Do more of what you love to do.”
An interview with Donna:
What inspires you to get up in the morning? My husband, two fur babies, a great cup of coffee and the song of a Robin.
What are you scared of? Over-thinking everything. Thinking and analyzing are great things when used in reason, but sometimes there comes a point when you just need to trust yourself, get out of your head and just go for it!
People often underestimate the power of . . . Just being, and not always doing.
I am in my power when . . . I am coaching. It connects me with people at such an amazing level where there is so much available. Curiosity, fear, vulnerability, deep wisdom, hope. I feel so blessed and privileged to be invited into someone’s life as his or her Coach.
If you could have one super power, what would you choose? To fly like a bird, dropping seeds of love and tolerance around the world.
Nina Weil
Nina Weil
Certified Cancer Journey Coach; Certified Healing Touch Practitioner; Certified Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coach
My years as a Healing Touch Practitioner, providing energy healing since 2004 with clients in the midst of cancer therapies and beyond (questioning what comes next, experiencing a sense of being in a void and not quite knowing how to re-enter their “normal” life), led me to seek out a coaching model where I would have more tools to assist my clients in their healing. In 2011, I became a Certified Circle of Life Health and Wellness Coach. This coaching process dovetailed perfectly with energy healing work in its holistic approach to health and wellness. It allowed me to integrate Energy Healing and Health and Wellness Coaching as my client’s individual needs guided us. And then I discovered The Cancer Journey Program in 2015, and I knew in my core that this was my next step to fully support clients in their Healing Journey. As a Certified Cancer Journey Coach, I am in awe of the power of the Cancer Journey Program process, tools and ease with which transformation can take place before my eyes. It is truly a privilege to be able to partake in this healing work and help facilitate my clients self-healing.
As I support my clients in their self-healing process, I am committed to my own, having learned that each day presents opportunities for each of us to learn, grow and expand. I strive to live a balanced, positive, conscious and authentic life. As I acquire new skills, knowledge, awareness and tools to enhance my capacity to serve and evolve, I can be present with compassion and insight in both my work and in my personal life. A native of San Francisco, living in Burlingame, CA, I am the proud mother of 2 daughters (and 2 sons-in-law), joyous grandmother to 3, a lover of hiking, yoga, music, dancing, healthful eating and cooking, and adventure travel.
An interview with Nina:
What inspires you to get up in the morning? Knowing that each day is new, alive, full of possibility and connection, that what I make of life is all about choice, regardless of what I may face or encounter. And that I will in some way make a positive impact in the world.
What are you scared of? The ordinary.
People often underestimate the power of . . . Inner Strength.
I am in my power when . . . I am connected to myself, am still inwardly, self observant, listening and acting with heart and mind.
If you could have one super power, what would you choose? To be fully present, conscious and aware, living from a place of open-hearted love at all times.