~ J. ViaCava

The training to become a cancer coach through The Cancer Journey was much deeper and introspective than I could have imagined. My class came together as strangers from up and down the Mid-Atlantic states. Over the months of weekly teleseminars and practice sessions we got to know each other, and by our final weekend together we were like a family. Throughout the course we were challenged to dig deep into our souls and share, cry, and grow.

Now, as coaches, we are better prepared to hold our clients as they work through their own feelings. I am humbled by the work of a cancer coach, and I feel blessed that my trainers, mentors, and friends are Shariann and Keri. They are remarkable women who have put together a thorough, meaningful, and important program with a mission to educate coaches and send them out into their communities to help the many cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers move through their own cancer journey.

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